Thursday, 20 February 2014

Z axis problems

I addressed the problem of the Z axis not wanting to lift - simply adjusting the current setting did not solve the problem.

I noticed that I inadvertently fitted a 0.9 degree per step motor on the Z axis, I intended for that to be a 1.8 degree motor, so I replaced that.  The 1.8 degree motor also has a higher current specification.  Of course, with all the wiring so neatly done, replacing the motor was a bit of an exercise.

After putting everything back together, it was better, but still stalling on lifting.  I contemplated fitting a counterweight (string pulling upwards on the bed platform, looping over a hook under the top platform with a weight suspended off the string), but before all that I decided to adjust the spring tension between the lead screw "nuts".  This solved the problem (it was too tight).  I also used petroleum jelly (Vaseline) on the lead screw and smooth rods for lubrication.

Homing seems to work well, the Z-axis calibration is almost spot-on, but the Theta and Psi adjustments are still confusing the hell out of me.  I think I have the right initial steps per degree settings for my build configuration, but the M360 command does not take the Theta arm close to parallel with the upper platform front edge, and I cannot get it parallel by manipulating Y from Pronterface (as the online calibration guide seems to suggest).

Doing it twice (as the flowchart indicates) causes the Morgan to attempt to wring its own neck again (M360 command then causes the arms to try and go around the BACK).  I have to reset everything back to default.

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