Thursday, 20 February 2014


Calibration can be straightforward if you don't mess up too much before starting.  On the RepRap Morgan site, Quentin has a calibration procedure, nicely set out in the form of a flowchart.  Before you start calibrating, you need to add two measurements to the software - the X and Y offset of the SCARA tower to the zero position of the bed.

I got that part wrong, I entered the offset to the HOME position.  What you need to enter is the position of the DRIVE SHAFT.  Otherwise Pronterface will just not allow you to do the adjustments necessary to complete calibration.

Once that was sorted, few problems to calibrate.

The extruder is working more or less, it feeds filament down the Bowden tube.  But my tube-with-sleeves-on-either-end idea was not a success.  The inner tube just pulled out of the tool head (the outer tube remains clamped by the compression collar).  If the outer tube is full length, there is nowhere for the inner sleeve to go, but with the outer sleeve only at the edges, it allows for the inner sleeve to pull out.  I had feared for this, so I will have to fit the whole length.  But that is a mission for the weekend.

Good news is that the plate glass seems to withstand 110 degrees (ABS default) without cracking (so far).  I ran it hot for a while.

1 comment:

  1. You are progressing well!

    When done I would love to come chat to you about the build.

