I might have taken my extruder multiplier too far, currently I am printing the calibration phantom supplied with the Morgan datapack, at a multiplier of 0.775.
While that figure still gives good thin wall adhesion and a beautiful print, it looks a little skinny when printing a part that needs a solid base.
The "skinny" phantom (bottom layer), surrounded by calibration squares:
I also note that the edges of the phantom, printed in ABS, lifts. I have cleaned the Kapton tape properly with acetone before the print, so that is something to keep in mind.
The initial calibration (according to the calibration flowchart) can only ever approximate accurate calibration, as the steps per degree value for the two drive wheels are kept the same. After measuring up the phantom, I realised that the two factors are different (only slightly, but different), probably meaning that the two wheels are ever so slightly differing in size.
This was fixed quickly, but remember, the offsets (M360 and M364 movements) need to be re-set and I also re-did the bed levelling calibration.
Tip: Bed levelling can be specified, number of X increments and number of Y increments. Default is X5 Y5. I use M370 X3 Y3 (I use a plate glass bed, therefore expect no bending).
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