Saturday, 4 January 2014

An Unexpected Journey

So, I have embarked on the journey of building myself a RepRap 3D printer.  The decision has been a long time coming, without me even knowing it.  I have always been intrigued by doing things by and for myself, to the point of starting to build a Gingery lathe several years ago. Unfortunately life got in the way of that adventure, and I ended up with a small charcoal foundry, a lot of scrap aluminium and a few cast ingots, but no lathe parts!

3D printing has been "inaccessible", at least in my mind, and discovering Quentin Harley's RepRap Morgan project over the December holidays was just what I needed.  Here was someone who built a 3D printer in Centurion (my old home town)!  I promptly started immersing myself in everything RepRap, to at least understand what all these websites are talking about.  I found that many RepRappers tend to assume that you are familiar with the technologies, terms and history of RepRap, and decided to create this blog to help others like myself, who are keen to learn.

As an electronics engineer by training and involved in embedded software development (less of that lately), I consider myself well equipped to successfully get a Morgan up and running.  Maybe this blog of my journey will help another aspirant RepRapper along the exciting journey.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this. Yes, the community does tend to assume. Glad folks like you are taking the time to elaborate. I think it is because its such a vast subject people tend to jump right to the specific point.
