Sunday, 19 January 2014

More on RAMPS

The RAMPS board ("RepRap Arduino Mega Pololu Shield") is a custom RepRap interface ("shield") board for the Arduino Mega.  Pololu Electronics did a lot of work in the RepRap space, including stepper drivers, so the name pops up often.  Mostly (from what I've seen) in connection with the stepper drivers.

RAMPS contain MOSFET drivers for the hot-end, heated bed (2x), thermistor inputs, an SD card option, an LCD option, endstop (Hall effect sensor) inputs, and place for 5 stepper drivers (on separate daughterboards).  The RAMPS plugs into the Mega board directly, but is powered separately.

RAMPS is not the only option for RepRap builders, it is, however, a standard and supported by pretty much all the versions of software I have seen.  This is why I chose RAMPS 1.4 (the latest iteration).

You can probably homebrew an interface, taking care to keep the pinouts the same (or taking the time to redefine the Arduino pinouts in the software if you don't), but if you're not into electronics RAMPS seem an easy entry option.

I have found the following RAMPS wiring document very useful:

RAMPS Wiring

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