Saturday, 1 March 2014

Slic3r settings

After a few days of experimentation, and reading up on Slic3r settings, some prints are coming off the Morgan that are useful.

I have been printing some large-ish, square items (the spool holder, a bolt hobber, and others), most of which have warped to some extent.  I have printed a few tree frogs and they seem to be less prone to lifting. 

One part (bolt hobber base) have come off the bed entirely, and the printer being unattended, continued to build for two hours.  An interesting mess.  Cleaning the Kapton taped bed religiously helps but does not prevent warping.

This was experienced with Quentin's default 90 degree bed temperature and ABS filament (from Filament Factory).  To try and fix the problem, I increased the bed temperature to 110 degrees, and that seems to have sorted out THAT problem.  The plate glass bed shows no signs of strain yet.

The glass is just a 200 x 200 square of 3mm plate glass, no cut-outs that can cause high stress points.

I have also started using Slic3r in "advanced" mode, where I can specify the extrusion width as well as layer height.  In "simple" mode Slic3r selects the extrusion width based on the nozzle size, and uses a figure which is bigger than what I have seen suggested on the web.  I use 0.2mm height with 0.5mm width on my 0.4mm nozzle.

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